Förderungen für nachhaltige Softwareunternehmen

Etablierte Unternehmen

Established companies marker on a map.


Startup marker on a map.


Both (Startup and Established companies) marker on a map.
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Tabelle der Nachhaltigkeitsförderungen für Softwareunternehmen

Wie bereits erwähnt, empfiehlt es sich, zusätzlich zu unserer Karte der nachhaltigen Software-Finanzierung auch mit Hilfe dieser Tabelle zu recherchieren. Suchen Sie nach einem bestimmten Thema zur Nachhaltigkeitsförderung für Softwareunternehmen oder nach einer bestimmten Region. Wir drücken Ihnen die Daumen für Ihre Bewerbung!

Target groupLocationOrganisationFunding nameTopicsFunding typeAmount of moneyAssigned toDeadline(s)Website

Established companies

Africa-wideAfrican Development Bank (AfDB)Sustainable Energy Fund for Africa (SEFA)Renewable energy, energy efficiency, clean cooking, green mini-gridsGrant and concessional financingUp to $5 millionGovernments, businessesRolling basisLink


Africa-wideEnergy CatalystEnergy Catalyst Innovation ContestAccess to sustainable, secure and affordable energyCompetitionUp to £5 millionEarly-stage entrepreneursMarch 15, 2023Link


Albania, TiranaSwiss Entrepreneurship ProgramSeedstars WorldEnvironment, Healthcare, Education, Finance, AgricultureBusiness AcceleratorUp to $500,000Early stage startupsOpen callLink

Established companies

Argentina, Buenos AiresMinisterio de Desarrollo ProductivoPrograma de Fortalecimiento de InversionesRenewable energy, sustainable industryRepayableUp to $20MSMEs, Large firmsRollingLink


Argentina, Buenos AiresAgencia Nacional de Promoción Científica y TecnológicaFONTARRenewable energy, climate changeNon-repayableUp to $4M-RollingLink


Argentina, Buenos AiresSeedstarsSeedstars LATAM Regional Seed FundSustainable Agriculture, Clean Energy, HealthTechEquity, Debt, Convertible NoteUp to USD 500KStartups in LatAmRollingLink

Established companies

Australia, BrisbaneQueensland GovernmentBusiness Growth FundFunding for businesses in Queensland to expand their operations and create jobsGrantUp to AUD 50,000-OngoingLink


Australia, BrisbaneAdvance QueenslandIgnite IdeasStartups in growth industries such as sustainability, biotech, and renewable energyGrantUp to $250,000Eligible Queensland startupsRolling applicationsLink


Australia, BrisbaneBlueChilliCityConnectStartups with ideas for sustainable, connected citiesAcceleratorUp to $50,000Early-stage startupsRolling applicationsLink


Australia, MelbourneMain Sequence VenturesMain Sequence VenturesDeep tech innovationVenture capital$250 million-Rolling basisLink

Established companies

Australia, MelbourneVictorian GovernmentBoost Your Business Voucher ProgramSupport for businesses to become more productive, employ more people, improve market access, and increase their scale, profitability, and international competitivenessGrantUp to AUD 50,000-OngoingLink

Established companies

Australia, MelbourneSustainability VictoriaBusiness Recovery and Resilience FundSupport for businesses in Victoria affected by COVID-19 to transition to a circular and sustainable futureGrantUp to AUD 50,000-OngoingLink

Established companies

Australia, MelbourneState Government of VictoriaVictoria's Climate Change Innovation Partnerships ProgramFunding for Victoria-based businesses, industry bodies, and not-for-profit organizations to develop innovative solutions to address climate changeGrantUp to AUD 200,000-May 2023Link


Australia, MelbournePlanet InnovationPI LabsHealth and sustainability-focused startupsAcceleratorUp to $500,000Early-stage startups in health and wellnessRolling applicationsLink>


Australia, MelbourneSustain 2023Sustain Labs IncubatorStartups with ideas focused on sustainability and the circular economyIncubatorUp to $50,000Early-stage startups in sustainabilityRolling applicationsLink


Australia, NSWClean Energy Finance CorporationClean Energy Finance CorporationClean energyDebt financingAUD 10 billion-Rolling basisLink


Australia, SydneyArtesian Venture PartnersArtesian Venture PartnersClean energyVenture capitalAUD 150 million-Rolling basisLink


Australia, SydneyFutureFeedFutureFeedLivestock feed innovationGrant program$1.7 million-Rolling basisLink

Established companies

Australia, SydneyCity of SydneyEnvironmental Performance Innovation (EPI) GrantsSustainable initiatives in the building, business, and the community sectorGrantUp to AUD 50,000-May 2023Link

Established companies

Australia, SydneyAusIndustryClean Technology Innovation Program (CTIP)Support for Australian businesses to develop and commercialize new clean technology products, processes, and servicesGrantUp to AUD 1 million-OngoingLink

Established companies

Australia, SydneyNSW GovernmentGrowing Local EconomiesFunding to support regional businesses and councils to invest in projects that will create jobs and stimulate economic growthGrantUp to AUD 10 million-OngoingLink


Australia, SydneyEnergyLabIncubation ProgramClean energy startups with the potential to reduce carbon emissionsIncubatorUp to $50,000Startups with innovative clean energy ideasRolling applicationsLink


Australia, SydneyClimate-KIC AustraliaAccelerator ProgramStartups with climate-positive solutionsAcceleratorUp to $30,000Climate-positive startupsRolling applicationsLink


Australia, SydneyCicada InnovationsLife Sciences Accelerator ProgramLife sciences startups with sustainable, innovative ideasAcceleratorUp to $60,000Early-stage life sciences startupsRolling applicationsLink


Australia, SydneyStartmateAccelerator ProgramStartups with disruptive ideas across various industries, including sustainabilityAcceleratorUp to $150,000Early-stage startupsRolling applicationsLink


Australia, SydneySpringboard Enterprises AustraliaAccelerator ProgramWomen-led startups with scalable, sustainable ideasAcceleratorUndisclosedEarly-stage women-led startupsRolling applicationsLink

Established companies

Australia, SydneyAustralian Renewable Energy AgencyRenewable Energy Fund (REF)Supporting the development of renewable energyGrant FundingUp to AUD 50MAustralian businessesOngoingLink


Australia, VICImpact Investment GroupImpact Investment GroupSocial innovationVenture capitalAUD 200 million-Rolling basisLink

Established companies

Austria, GrazGreen Tech Cluster GrazEnergy and Environmental TechnologyEnergy and environmentGrant-SMEsRolling callLink

Established companies

Austria, SalzburgAWS SalzburgAWS MittelstandsfondsInvestments in established SMEs in SalzburgInvestment€100,000 to €3MNot specifiedRolling basisLink

Established companies

Austria, ViennaPioneersPioneers DiscoverAll industriesDiscovery-Startups, SMEs, Corporates, Investors-Link

Established companies

Austria, ViennaAustria Wirtschaftsservice GmbHKMU Invest FondsInvestments in established Austrian SMEsInvestmentNot specifiedNot specifiedRolling basisLink

Established companies

Austria, ViennaAustrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG)General ProgrammeFunding for innovation projects in AustriaGrantNot specifiedSMEsRolling basisLink

Established companies

Austria, ViennaAWSAWS Business AngelInvestment in Austrian start-upsInvestmentUp to €800,000Start-upsRolling basisLink

Established companies

Austria, ViennaClimate and Energy FundGreenstartSustainable energy and resource efficiency, Climate protectionGrantUp to €50,000-RollingLink


Austria, Viennaaws Austria Wirtschaftsservice Gesellschaft mbHaws Impulse XSSustainable production and consumption, Resource efficiencyGrantUp to €200,000SMEs6/30/2023Link

Established companies

Austria, ViennaÖsterreichische Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft mbH (FFG)Stadt der ZukunftSustainable urban development, Resource efficiencyGrantUp to €2,000,000Consortia9/1/2023Link


Austria, ViennaCleantechAlpsAcceleration ProgramCleantech and renewable energyAccelerator-StartupsRolling callLink


Bangladesh, DhakaStartup BangladeshStartup BangladeshTech innovationEquityUp to BDT 20 million-Rolling basisLink


Belarus, MinskBelbizBelbiz Startup GrantSustainable economyGrantUp to $50,000StartupsRollingtarget="_blank">Link


Belarus, MinskUnited Nations Development ProgrammeUNDP Climate Box ChallengeClimate change, sustainabilityGrant/CompetitionUp to $20,000Startups30-Apr.-2023Link


Belgium, BrusselsStart it @KBCSustainable PlanetSustainable techIncubatorUp to €100,000StartupsRolling basisLink

Established companies

Belgium, BruxellesEuropean ComissionFunding & Tender opportunitiesmulitpleFinancial supportmultiplemultiplePossible at any timeLink

Established companies

Belgium, BruxellesNew European BauhausA European Green DealSustainabilityNetwork/large companiesPossible at any timeLink

Established companies

Belgium, BruxellesEuropean ComissionInvestEU ProgrammeSustainabilityFinancial supportOpencompanies located in eligible countriesnext call: 2023Link

Established companies

Belo Horizonte, BrazilBDMGSustainable Cities ProgramSustainable urban development and green technologiesLoanUp to BRL 10MMLocal governments and companiesDecember 31, 2025Link


Bolivia, La PazBolivian Fund for Productive DevelopmentFONPRODE Green FundGreen projectsCreditNot specifiedEstablished companiesRollingLink


Bolivia, La PazFundación EmprenderInnóvate+Circular economy, sustainabilityInvestment/AcceleratorUp to $150,000StartupsRolling BasisLink


Bosnia and Herzegovina, SarajevoGreen CouncilGreen Business GrantSustainable businessGrant€ 3.00Both31 December 2023Link


Bosnia and Herzegovina, SarajevoUnited Nations Development ProgrammeGreen Economic Development ProgrammeSustainable business and energy efficiencyGrants€5 millionMicro, small, and medium enterprisesOpen callLink


Brazil, Belo HorizonteStartup FarmAgrofuturoSustainable agriculture, food industryAcceleratorNot specifiedStartups8/31/2023Link


Brazil, CuritibaBrazilian Development BankFundo ClimaRenewable energy, energy efficiencyLoanUp to BRL 30 millionEstablished companies, StartupsNo deadlineLink


Brazil, RecifeBrazilian Development BankFundo ClimaRenewable energy, energy efficiencyLoanUp to BRL 30 millionEstablished companies, StartupsNo deadlineLink


Brazil, SalvadorBrazilian Development BankFundo ClimaRenewable energy, energy efficiencyLoanUp to BRL 30 millionEstablished companies, StartupsNo deadlineLink


Brazil, Sao PauloB2BrazilB2B Impact AcceleratorSustainable B2B businessesAccelerator programNot specified-Rolling basisLink


Brazil, Sao PauloFINEPFINEP StartupEnvironment, Energy, Water, Waste, Circular EconomyGrantUp to BRL 1MBrazilian StartupsRollingLink


Brazil, São PauloFundação Getulio VargasFGVCenn FundSustainabilityVenture capitalBRL 5 million-Rolling basisLink


Brazil, São PauloFINEPFINEP StartupRenewable energy, sustainabilityNon-repayableUp to $1M-RollingLink


Bulgaria, SofiaEleven VenturesEleven VenturesTech innovationVenture capital€12 million-Rolling basisLink


Bulgaria, SofiaCleantech BulgariaGreenhouseRenewable Energy, Water, Waste Management, AgricultureStartup acceleratorUp to € 50,000Early stage startupsOpen callLink


Canada, MontrealEcofuel AcceleratorEcofuel Acceleration FundClean energy and mobilityAccelerator + FundingCAD $40KClean energy startupsJune 2023target="_blank">Link

Established companies

Canada, MontrealGHGSatGHGSat-C2Sustainable technology for monitoring greenhouse gas emissionsEquity$30 million--https://www.ghgsat.com/"target="_blank">Link


Canada, ONMaRS Discovery DistrictMaRS Catalyst FundSocial innovationVenture capitalCAD 15 million-Rolling basisLink

Established companies

Canada, OttawaSustainable Development Technology CanadaSD Tech FundClean technologyGrant programUp to $15,000,000-Multiple deadlinesLink


Canada, TorontoCanadian Business Growth Fund (CBGF)CBGF Growth FundSustainable technology and servicesEquity InvestmentCAD $20MHigh-growth businessesRollingLink


Canada, TorontoGreenSky CapitalGreenSky CapitalSustainable innovationVenture capitalCAD 70 million-Rolling basis/


Canada, TorontoStandUp VenturesStandUp VenturesWomen-led businessesVenture capital$18 million-Rolling basisLink

Established companies

Canada, TorontoQoC Health Inc.QoC Health RaiseSustainable digital healthcare solutionsEquity$3 million--Link


Canada, TorontoMaRS DiscoverySD Tech FundCleantechVenture CapitalCAD $22.5MCleantech software firmsRollingLink


Canada, TorontoSustainable Development Technology Canada (SDTC)SDTC Seed FundCleantech, climate tech, and sustainabilityVenture Capital + GrantCAD $5MEarly-stage cleantechRollingLink


Canada, TorontoCarbonCure TechnologiesSeries CCarbon utilization and carbon dioxide removal solutionsSeries C$33 million--Link


Canada, TorontoMaRS Discovery DistrictMaRS MomentumCleantech, Health, Fintech, Enterprise SoftwareAccelerator-High-growth Canadian StartupsRolling basisLink


Canada, VancouverForesight CleantechBC Cleantech FundCleantech, energy, and sustainabilityVenture CapitalCAD $55MCleantech companiesRollingLink


Canada, VancouverSustainable Development Technology Canada (SDTC)SDTC Tech FundCleantech, climate tech, and sustainabilityVenture Capital + GrantCAD $15MLate-stage cleantechRollingLink

Established companies

Canada, VancouverNatural Resources CanadaClean Growth ProgramClean technology, natural resources, and energyGrant programVaries-Rolling intakeLink


Central AmericaBCIEGreen Credit Line for MSMEs in Central America and PanamaGreen projects, climate change mitigationLoanUp to $3 millionMSMEsOngoingLink


Chile, SantiagoCorfoCorfo StartupsRenewable Energy, Sustainable Transport, Sustainable TourismGrant, EquityUp to USD 250KChilean StartupsRollingLink

Established companies

Chile, SantiagoAurus VenturesAurus Impact Fund IClean Energy, Circular Economy, Sustainable Agribusiness, Sustainable Cities, MobilityVenture Capital$30 millionSeries A-CRolling applicationsLink


China, BeijingShunwei CapitalShunwei CapitalSustainability innovationVenture capitalNot specified-Rolling basisLink

Established companies

China, BeijingChina Energy Conservation and Environmental Protection Group (CECEP)CECEP Green Technology FundGreen techVenture capitalCNY 1-100 millionEstablished companiesRolling basisLink

Established companies

China, BeijingChina Merchants GroupChina Merchants Capital ECO FundVariousPrivate equityUSD 100 millionEstablished companiesRolling basisLink

Established companies

China, BeijingChina International Capital Corporation (CICC)CICC Environmental Protection Industry FundEnvironmental protectionPrivate equityCNY 2-10 billionEstablished companiesRolling basisLink

Established companies

China, BeijingCITIC CapitalCITIC Environmental Protection Industry FundEnvironmental protectionPrivate equityCNY 5-10 billionEstablished companiesRolling basisLink

Established companies

China, BeijingChina Construction BankCCB Green FinancingGreen financeLoansNo limitEstablished companiesRolling basisLink


China, BeijingChina AcceleratorChina AcceleratorCleantechAcceleratorUp to $150,000-RollingLink


China, BeijingTsinghua HoldingsTsinghua Holdings Clean Energy FundClean energyVenture capitalCNY 500 millionStartupsRolling basisLink


China, BeijingNorthern Light Venture CapitalNorthern Light Venture Capital Green Energy FundGreen energyVenture capitalUSD 100 millionStartupsRolling basisLink


China, BeijingGreen Pine Capital PartnersGreen Pine Capital Partners Climate FundClimate changeVenture capitalCNY 500 millionStartupsRolling basisLink


China, BeijingMatrix Partners ChinaMatrix Partners China Environmental Technology FundEnvironmental technologyVenture capitalCNY 1 billionStartupsRolling basisLink


China, BeijingHillhouse Capital GroupHillhouse Capital Group Energy FundEnergyVenture capitalUSD 200 millionStartupsRolling basisLink


China, BeijingGGV CapitalGGV Capital Green Energy FundGreen energyVenture capitalUSD 500 millionStartupsRolling basisLink


China, BeijingEastern Bell Venture CapitalEastern Bell Venture Capital Environmental Protection FundEnvironmental protectionVenture capitalCNY 1 billionStartupsRolling basisLink


China, BeijingQiming Venture PartnersQiming Venture Partners Environmental Technology FundEnvironmental technologyVenture capitalUSD 500 millionStartupsRolling basisLink


China, Hong KongHong Kong Science and Technology Parks CorporationIncu-Bio ProgrammeBiotechIncubatorUp to HKD 530,000StartupsRolling basisLink

Established companies

China, ShanghaiFosun GroupFosun Sustainable Growth FundSustainable growthVenture capitalUSD 1 billionEstablished companiesRolling basisLink

Established companies

China, ShanghaiChina Minsheng Investment GroupMinsheng Environmental Protection FundEnvironmental protectionPrivate equityCNY 5-10 billionEstablished companiesRolling basisLink

Established companies

China, ShanghaiChina Everbright GroupChina Everbright Limited Green FundGreen financePrivate equityUSD 1 billionEstablished companiesRolling basisLink

Established companies

China, ShanghaiChina Development BankCDB Green Financial ServicesGreen financeLoansNo limitEstablished companiesRolling basisLink


China, ShanghaiGreen InitiativesGreen GrantsEnvironmental projectsGrantUp to ¥10,000Startups and NGOsRolling basisLink


China, ShanghaiInnovation WorksInnovation Works Energy FundClean energyVenture capitalCNY 100 millionStartupsRolling basisLink

Established companies

Colombia, BogotáFondo EmprenderFondo EmprenderGreen Business, Renewable Energy, WaterGrant, EquityUp to COP 1.6BColombian companiesRollingLink


Colombia, BogotáCentro de Innovación BBVA ColombiaPremios al Emprendimiento SostenibleSustainable development, innovationNon-repayable$15K-$50K-RollingLink


Colombia, BogotáFondo Acción ImpactoFondo Acción ImpactoClimate Change, Biodiversity, Sustainable Agriculture, Clean Energy, Water ManagementGrant$8 millionSeed/Series ANov-23Link


Costa Rica, San JoseCentral American Bank for Economic IntegrationGreen Economy Financing FacilityGreen economyDebt financing$100 million-Rolling basisLink


Costa Rica, San JoséPROCOMERStartUp School Green 2.0Sustainable business models and innovationGrantUp to $25,000Sustainable startupsJanuary 31st, 2024Link


Costa Rica, San JoséPROCOMERCircular CRCircular economyGrantUp to $10,000StartupsDecember 31st, 2023Link


Costa Rica, San JoséMesoamericaRenewable Energy and Climate Adaptation Fund (RECAF)Renewable energy and climate adaptationInvestment$50-100 millionSMEs, projectsOngoingLink


Croatia, ZagrebGreenTech AcceleratorGreenTech AcceleratorCleantech, energy efficiency, renewable energy, sustainable mobility, waste management, circular economyEquity investment€20,000 - €200,000-Rolling basisLink


Croatia, ZagrebGreyp BikesSustainable Technologies Development FundSustainable technologiesInvestment fund€1 millionEstablished companiesOpenLink


Croatia, ZagrebCroatian Bank for Reconstruction and DevelopmentGreen Energy Efficiency FundEnergy efficiency in public and private buildingsLoans€186 millionPublic and private sectorOpen callLink


Czech Republic, PragueEIT Climate-KIC Hub CzechiaSustainable Industry ChallengeEnergy, mobility, built environment, sustainable land use, food systems, circular economyFunding for innovationUp to €30,000CompaniesOctober 2023Link

Established companies

Czech Republic, PragueTechnology Agency CzechiaProgramme Omega 2Environmental protection, climate change, circular economy, waste managementGrant programUp to €2,500,000CompaniesRolling deadline until 2023Link


Czech Republic, PragueCzechInvestGreen Savings ProgramEnergy efficiency, renewable energy, green technologiesGrant programUp to €1,000,000CompaniesRolling deadline until 2023Link


Denmark, AarhusAarhus UniversityFuture CroppingSustainable agriculture, machine learning, big dataGrant€3,000,000Researchers, farmers, companiesSeptember 1, 2023Link


Denmark, CopenhagenInnoFounderInnoFounderSustainable innovationGrant program$70,000-Rolling basisLink


Denmark, CopenhagenInnovationsfondenInnoBoosterSustainable solutions, product development, commercializationGrant or loanVariesStartups, established companiesRolling basisLink


Denmark, CopenhagenRealdaniaCircular ConstructionSustainable construction, circular economy, urban developmentGrantDKK 200,000-5MStartups, established companiesMay 12, 2023Link


Denmark, CopenhagenRealdaniaBetter Food for More PeopleSustainable food, health, climate changeGrantDKK 100,000-3MStartups, established companies, NGOs, researchersMay 18, 2023Link

Established companies

Dubai, UAEDubai Electricity and Water Authority (DEWA)Innovation in SustainabilityEnergy, Water, SustainabilityGrantNot specifiedPrivate companies30 June 2023Link


Dubai, UAEThe CatalystThe Catalyst Sustainable Future ChallengeSustainable Future, InnovationPrize and Incubator$100,000Startups31 December 2023Link


Dubai, UAEDubai Future FoundationDubai Global Future Council GrantSustainability, Future, TechnologyGrantUp to $100,000StartupsRolling BasisLink


Dubai, UAEDubai International Financial Centre (DIFC)FinTech Hive AcceleratorSustainability, Finance, TechnologyAcceleratorNot specifiedStartups31-Aug-23Link


Dubai, UAEKhalifa Fund for Enterprise DevelopmentIndustrial Development Support ProgrammeSustainability, Manufacturing, Industry, TechnologyGrantUp to AED 2MEstablished companiesRolling BasisLink


Dubai, UAEDubai Silicon Oasis Authority (DSOA)Dubai Smart City Accelerator ProgramSustainability, Smart Cities, TechnologyAcceleratorNot specifiedStartupsOngoingLink


Egypt, CairoFlat6LabsFlat6LabsTech innovationAccelerator programNot specified-Rolling basisLink


Estonia, TallinnKarma VenturesKarma VenturesTech innovationVenture capital€40 million-Rolling basishttps://karma.vc/


Estonia, TallinnEstBAN (Estonian Business Angels Network)EstBAN's Angel Investment ProgrammeSustainable energy, clean technologies, circular economy, sustainable urbanisation, digitalisation, etc.Equity investment--Rolling basisLink


Finland, HelsinkiNordic InnovationNordic Smart Mobility and ConnectivitySmart mobility and connectivityGrant€1-3 millionSMEs, Startups and Scaleups31 May 2023Link


Finland, HelsinkiCleantech InvestStartup fundingClean technologyEquityNot specifiedStartupsRolling basisLink


Finland, HelsinkiFinnveraEnvironmental and energy efficiency projects fundingEnvironmental and energy efficiencyLoanNot specifiedCompaniesRolling basisLink


Finland, HelsinkiBusiness FinlandGreen Business FinlandSustainable growth and innovationGrantVariesCompaniesRolling applicationLink

Established companies

Finland, LahtiELY-keskusInvestment aid for environmental projectsEnvironmental and energy efficiencyGrant and loanNot specifiedEstablished companiesRolling basisLink


Florianopolis, BrazilFinepFinep Climate InnovationClimate innovation and resilienceGrantNot specifiedStartups and companiesDecember 31, 2023Link


Fortaleza, BrazilFNESustainable Development Fund (FNE Verde)Sustainable development and renewable energyLoanNot specifiedLocal governments and companiesDecember 31, 2023Link


France, LilleHauts-de-France RegionEnergies Littoral (in French)Energy efficiency, renewable energy, circular economyGrantUp to €200,000Small and medium-sized companies in Hauts-de-France RegionSeptember 30, 2023Link

Established companies

France, ParisCouncil of Europe Development Bank (CEB)Council of Europe Development Bank (CEB)SustainabilityFinancial support (loan)Opencompanies in CEB member statesPossible at any timeLink


France, ParisDemeter PartnersDemeter PartnersSustainable innovationVenture capital€500 million-Rolling basisLink


France, ParisIdinvest PartnersIdinvest PartnersSustainable innovationVenture capital€8 billion-Rolling basisLink


France, ParisImpact PartenairesImpact PartenairesSocial impact businessesVenture capital€80 million-Rolling basisLink


France, ParisBpifranceFrench Tech SeedEnergy transition and ecological transitionGrantUp to €1 millionStartupsOpenLink


France, ParisLa Fabrique de la CitéUrban ChallengeSustainable citiesGrant€10,000 to €50,000StartupsMay 31, 2023Link


Germany, AachenGründungszentrum der FH AachenExist-Gründerstipendium and moreInnovations in generalFinancial support and coachingup to 140.000 €An association of up to three people (startups before the funding!); only one person may have graduated (university or professional) no more than five years agoPossible at any timeLink


Germany, BerlinBundesministerium für Wirtschaft und KlimaschutzExist-Gründerstipendium and moreInnovations in generalFinancial support and coachingup to 140.000 €An association of up to three people (startups before the funding!); only one person may have graduated (university or professional) no more than five years agor


Germany, BerlinBundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Energie, European Social Fund+Exist-Gründerstipendium and moreDigital innovationsFinancial support and coachingup to 140.000 €StartupsPossible at any timeLink


Germany, BerlinIBB Business Team GmBHGründungsBONUSTechnologyFinancial supportup to 50.000 €Startups and small companies with their registered office or place of business in BerlinPossible at any timeLink


Germany, BerlinBits & BäumeBits & BäumeSustainabilityNetwork/Startups and established companiesPossible at any timeLink


Germany, BerlinProject TogetherProjektTogetherSustainabilityCoaching/Startups and established companiesPossible at any timeLink


Germany, BerlinProfound InnovationExist-Gründerstipendium and moreInnovations in generalFinancial support and coachingup to 140.000 €An association of up to three people (startups before the funding!); only one person may have graduated (university or professional) no more than five years agoPossible at any timeLink


Germany, BerlinCentre for EntrepreneurshipExist-Gründerstipendium and moreInnovations in generalFinancial support and coachingup to 140.000 €An association of up to three people (startups before the funding!); only one person may have graduated (university or professional) no more than five years agoPossible at any timeLink

Established companies

Germany, BerlinBundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und EntwicklungDeveloppp IdeenwettbewerbeSustainabilityFinancial support and coachingup to 2.000.000 €Startups, small and medium-sized companies with projects in developing countriesfour times a yearLink

Established companies

Germany, BerlinBundesministerium für Arbeit und SozialesUnternehmensWert MenschSustainability, DiversityConsulting/small and medium-sized companiesPossible at any timeLink


Germany, BerlinIBB VenturesIBB VenturesSustainable innovationVenture capital€100 million-Rolling basisLink

Established companies

Germany, BerlinSeedlab BerlinSeedlab Berlin AcceleratorB2B, SaaS, Healthtech, Fintech, Climate techAcceleratorUp to €250,000Early-stage startupsMarch 31, 2023Link


Germany, BerlinHigh-Tech GründerfondsHigh-Tech Gründerfonds Seed FinancingBiotech, Cleantech, ICT, Medtech, NanotechSeed FundingUp to €1 MillionEarly-stage startupsRolling BasisLink

Established companies

Germany, BerlinEIT HealthEIT Health AcceleratorHealthtech, Medtech, Digital healthAccelerator-Early-stage startups-Link


Germany, BerlinGreentech AllianceGreentech Alliance AcceleratorGreen techAcceleratorUp to €500,000StartupsRolling basisLink


Germany, BerlinBorderstep InstituteGreen Startup MonitorSustainable Innovation, Entrepreneurship, StartupsResearch-Green Startups-Link

Established companies

Germany, BerlinFederal Ministry for Economic Affairs and EnergyEnvironmental Innovation Program (UIP)Sustainability, Resource Efficiency, Energy EfficiencyGrantNot specifiedEstablished companiesOngoingLink

Established companies

Germany, BerlinFederal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear SafetyEnvironmental Technologies FundingClimate Protection, Resource Efficiency, SustainabilityGrantNot specifiedEstablished companiesOngoingLink

Established companies

Germany, BerlinFederal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear SafetyClimate and Energy FundClimate Protection, Energy Transition, SustainabilityGrantNot specifiedEstablished companiesOngoingLink

Established companies

Germany, BerlinFederal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear SafetyExport Initiative for Environmental TechnologiesEnvironmental Technologies, Export, InternationalizationGrantNot specifiedEstablished companiesOngoingLink

Established companies

Germany, BerlinGerman Federal Environmental Foundation (DBU)Environmental Innovation GrantsSustainability, Environmental Protection, Climate ChangeGrantUp to € 500,000Established companiesOngoingLink

Established companies

Germany, BerlinFederal Ministry of Education and ResearchClientEarth Innovation FundSustainable innovation in the field of climate protectionGrant€ 5,000 - € 50,000Established companiesOngoingLink


Germany, BonnUmwelttechnik BWUmwelttechnik BWSustainabilityCoaching/CompaniesPossible at any timeLink


Germany, BonnDeutsche Bundesstiftung UmweltGreen Start-up ProgrammSustainability, Climate solutionsFinancial supportup to 125.000 €StartupsPossible at any timeLink

Established companies

Germany, BonnFederal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and DevelopmentInternational Climate Initiative (IKI)Climate Protection, Biodiversity, Resource EfficiencyGrantNot specifiedEstablished companiesOngoingLink


Germany, BraunschweigEntrepreneurship Hub der Technischen Universität Braunschweig und der Ostfalia Hochschule für angewandte WissenschaftenExist-Gründerstipendium and moreInnovations in generalFinancial support and coachingup to 140.000 €An association of up to three people (startups before the funding!); only one person may have graduated (university or professional) no more than five years agoPossible at any timeLink


Germany, BreisachBadenCampusStartup-AcceleratorTechnologyCoaching/Tech-Start-upsPossible at any timeLink


Germany, DarmstadtHIGHESTExist-Gründerstipendium and moreInnovations in generalFinancial support and coachingup to 140.000 €An association of up to three people (startups before the funding!); only one person may have graduated (university or professional) no more than five years agoPossible at any timeLink


Germany, DortmundCETExist-Gründerstipendium and moreInnovations in generalFinancial support and coachingup to 140.000 €An association of up to three people (startups before the funding!); only one person may have graduated (university or professional) no more than five years agoPossible at any timeLink


Germany, DüsseldorfCenter for Entrepreneurship Düsseldorf (CEDUS)Exist-Gründerstipendium and moreInnovations in generalFinancial support and coachingup to 140.000 €An association of up to three people (startups before the funding!); only one person may have graduated (university or professional) no more than five years agoPossible at any timeLink

Established companies

Germany, EschbornBundesministerium für Wirtschaft und AusfuhrkontrolleSTARKSustainabilityFinancial support and coachingProject-dependentCompanies with sustainable projects in the listed regions in GermanyPossible at any timeLink


Germany, FrankfurtGreenTec Capital PartnersGreenTec Capital Africa FundAfrican startupsVenture capital€75 million-Rolling basisLink


Germany, FrankfurtKfW BankengruppeKFW-FörderprogrammeSustainabilityFinancial support (Loan)up to 50.000.000Small and medium-sized companiesPossible at any timeLink

Established companies

Germany, FrankfurtGerman Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and EnergyINVEST ProgramInvestments in innovative and young technology-oriented companies and startups in GermanyGrant programVaries-Rolling intakeLink

Established companies

Germany, FrankfurtTechQuartierTechQuartier Fintech AcceleratorFintechAccelerator-Early-stage startups-Link

Established companies

Germany, Frankfurt am MainKfW BankEnergy Efficiency and Climate Protection LoanEnergy Efficiency, Climate ProtectionLoanNot specifiedEstablished companiesOngoingLink


Germany, FreiburgFoundersclub FreiburgNetzwerkpartner Foundersclub FreiburgStartupsNetwork/Startups from students in Freiburgonce every semesterLink


Germany, FreiburgHigh-Tech GründerfondsHigh-Tech Gründerfonds Seed FinancingStartupsConsulting and Network/Tech-StartupsPossible at any timeLink


Germany, FreiburgSocial Innovation Lab / Grünhof e.V.SozialstarterSocial InnovationCoaching/Startups with the location around Freiburgonce a yearLink


Germany, FreiburgstartinslandstartinslandStart-upsCoaching/Startups with the location in Baden-WürttembergPossible at any timeLink


Germany, FreiburgBorderstep InstitutStartUp4ClimateNetwork/Link


Germany, FreiburgBonVentureBonVentureSustainabilityFinancial Support and consultingmin. 500.000 €companies with first revenuesPossible at any timeLink


Germany, FreiburgGründerbüro der Albert-Ludwigs-Universität FreiburgExist-Gründerstipendium and moreInnovations in generalFinancial support and coachingup to 140.000 €An association of up to three people (startups before the funding!); only one person may have graduated (university or professional) no more than five years agoPossible at any timeLink


Germany, FreiburgLEXROCKETLEXROCKETStartupsFree trial of software/StartupsPossible at any timeLink


Germany, FurtwangenHochschule Furtwangen UniversityKickStart@HFUTechnologyFinancial support and coachingup to 7.500 €Members of Furtwangen Universityonce a yearLink


Germany, HalleTransfer- und GründerserviceExist-Gründerstipendium and moreInnovations in generalFinancial support and coachingup to 140.000 €An association of up to three people (startups before the funding!); only one person may have graduated (university or professional) no more than five years agoPossible at any timeLink


Germany, HamburgStartup DockExist-Gründerstipendium and moreInnovations in generalFinancial support and coachingup to 140.000 €An association of up to three people (startups before the funding!); only one person may have graduated (university or professional) no more than five years agoPossible at any timeLink

Established companies

Germany, HamburgBundesdeutscher Arbeitskreis für Umweltbewusstes Management (B.A.U.M.) e.V.B.A.U.MSustainabilityNetwork/Startups and established companiesPossible at any timeLink


Germany, JenaSERVICEZENTRUM FORSCHUNG UND TRANSFERExist-Gründerstipendium and moreInnovations in generalFinancial support and coachingup to 140.000 €An association of up to three people (startups before the funding!); only one person may have graduated (university or professional) no more than five years agoPossible at any timeLink


Germany, KarlsruheGründer SchmiedeExist-Gründerstipendium and moreInnovations in generalFinancial support and coachingup to 140.000 €An association of up to three people (startups before the funding!); only one person may have graduated (university or professional) no more than five years agoPossible at any timeLink


Germany, KasselUniKasselTransferExist-Gründerstipendium and moreInnovations in generalFinancial support and coachingup to 140.000 €An association of up to three people (startups before the funding!); only one person may have graduated (university or professional) no more than five years agoPossible at any timeLink


Germany, KoblenzGründungsbüro Uni Koblenz-LandauExist-Gründerstipendium and moreInnovations in generalFinancial support and coachingup to 140.000 €An association of up to three people (startups before the funding!); only one person may have graduated (university or professional) no more than five years agoPossible at any timeLink


Germany, LübeclHanse Innovation Campus LübeckExist-Gründerstipendium and moreInnovations in generalFinancial support and coachingup to 140.000 €An association of up to three people (startups before the funding!); only one person may have graduated (university or professional) no more than five years agoPossible at any timeLink


Germany, LüneburgLeuphana UniversityExist-Gründerstipendium and moreInnovations in generalFinancial support and coachingup to 140.000 €An association of up to three people (startups before the funding!); only one person may have graduated (university or professional) no more than five years agoPossible at any timeLink


Germany, MünchenStrascheg Center for Entrepreneurship (SCE)Exist-Gründerstipendium and moreInnovations in generalFinancial support and coachingup to 140.000 €An association of up to three people (startups before the funding!); only one person may have graduated (university or professional) no more than five years agoPossible at any timeLink


Germany, MünchenTUMentrepreneurshipExist-Gründerstipendium and moreInnovations in generalFinancial support and coachingup to 140.000 €An association of up to three people (startups before the funding!); only one person may have graduated (university or professional) no more than five years agoPossible at any timeLink

Established companies

Germany, MunichTechFoundersTechFounders AcceleratorB2B, Industry 4.0, Mobility, Fintech, HealthtechAcceleratorUp to €250,000Early-stage startupsMarch 31, 2023Link


Germany, OldenburgGründungs- und Innovationszentrum (GIZ)Exist-Gründerstipendium and moreInnovations in generalFinancial support and coachingup to 140.000 €An association of up to three people (startups before the funding!); only one person may have graduated (university or professional) no more than five years agoPossible at any timeLink


Germany, OsnabrückDeutsche Bundesstiftung UmweltGreen Start-up ProgrammSustainabilityFinancial supportup to 125.000StartupsPossible at any timeLink


Germany, PotsdamPotsdam Transfer - Zentrale wissenschaftliche Einrichtung für Gründung, Innovation, Wissens- und TechnologietransferExist-Gründerstipendium and moreInnovations in generalFinancial support and coachingup to 140.000 €An association of up to three people (startups before the funding!); only one person may have graduated (university or professional) no more than five years agoPossible at any timeLink


Germany, SaarbrückenSaarland AcceleratorExist-Gründerstipendium and moreInnovations in generalFinancial support and coachingup to 140.000 €An association of up to three people (startups before the funding!); only one person may have graduated (university or professional) no more than five years agoPossible at any timeLink


Germany, StuttgartMinisterium für Wirtschaft, Arbeit und Tourismus Baden-WürttembergInnovationsgutschein Hightech Start-upSustainable TechnologyFinancial supportup to 20.000 €Startups, small and medium-sized enterprises based in Baden-WürttembergPossible at any timeLink


Germany, StuttgartMinisterium für Wirtschaft, Arbeit und Tourismus Baden-WürttembergStartup BW Pre-Seed(Digital) InnovationFinancial support and coaching50.000-200.000 €Startups with the investment location in Baden-WürttembergPossible at any timeLink


Germany, StuttgartKea-BwEcoFit-BwSustainabilityFinancial support and coachingup to 17.000 €Startups and companies located in Baden-Württembergonce a yearLink

Established companies

Germany, StuttgartCODE_nCODE_n AcceleratorIndustry 4.0, Smart Cities, Digital HealthAcceleratorUp to €500,000Startups-Link


Ghana, AccraMEST AfricaMEST AfricaAfrican startupsAccelerator programNot specified-Rolling basisLink


Ghana, AccraMEST AfricaMEST AfricaTech innovationAccelerator programNot specified-Rolling basisLink


Ghana, AccraKosmos Innovation CenterKosmos Innovation Center Seed ProgramAgriculture, clean energySeed Funding---Link


Greece, AthensHellenic Innovation NetworkEquiFundClimate, Energy, Agriculture, Circular Economy, BiodiversityVenture capital, Equity financingUp to € 5 millionEarly stage and mature startupsOpen callLink


Greece, AthensGreen FundClimate Tech Venture Capital FundClimate technologyVenture capital€30 millionBothOpenLink


Hong KongImpact KommonsImpact Kommons Acceleration ProgramSustainable development, social innovation, environmental protectionAccelerator-Social enterprises, impact-driven startupsAnnually in May and Nov.Link


Hungary, BudapestNational Research, Development and Innovation OfficeGreen Industry Innovation Programme (GINOP)Clean technologies, sustainable production, eco-innovation, etc.GrantVariesHungarian SMEs and large companiesDecember 31, 2023Link


Hungary, BudapestEuropean Investment BankSustainable Hungary 2.0 ProgrammeRenewable energy, energy efficiency, sustainable transportLoanUp to €150 millionEstablished companiesNo deadlineLink


Hungary, DebrecenNational Research, Development and Innovation OfficeEnvironmental Sustainability ProgrammeEnvironmental technologies and servicesGrantUp to HUF 100 millionEstablished companies, Startups6/30/2023Link


Hungary, SzegedNational Research, Development and Innovation OfficeEnvironmental Sustainability ProgrammeEnvironmental technologies and servicesGrantUp to HUF 100 millionEstablished companies, Startups6/30/2023Link

Established companies

Iceland, ReykjavikThe Technology Development FundGrant for Research and Innovation (Rannís)Environment, renewable energy, climate change, sustainabilityGrantUp to ISK 100 millionCompanies and research institutionsSeptember 15, 2023Link


Iceland, ReykjavikStartup IcelandStartup IcelandGreen energy and sustainabilityEquity-freeUp to $10kEarly-stage StartupsOpenLink


India, BangaloreIndia Angel NetworkIndia Angel NetworkSustainability, energy, and waterAngel fundingUp to $1,000,000Early-stage startupsRollingLink


India, BangaloreSocial AlphaSocial Alpha Energy Challenge 3.0Clean energy technologyChallenge$50,000Early-stage startupsMarch 31, 2023Link


India, BangaloreEnnoventCircular Apparel Innovation ProgramCircular fashionAcceleratorUndisclosedEarly-stage startupsRolling basisLink


India, BengaluruAnthill VenturesAnthill Studio Accelerator ProgramSustainable technologies, energy, water, agricultureAccelerator$100K-$500KEntrepreneursRolling BasisLink


India, BengaluruShell Foundation IndiaEnergy Entrepreneurs Growth FundEnergy access, clean cooking, and agricultural productivityInvestmentUp to $250,000Early-stage startups in IndiaRolling basisLink


India, BengaluruThe Climate CollectiveClimate Collective Accelerator ProgramSustainable solutions for climate changeInvestmentUp to $250KEarly-stage startupsOngoingLink


India, HyderabadT-HubT-AngelSustainability, climate change, energy, waterInvestment$15K-$100KSeed-stage startups, entrepreneursRolling Basist-hub.co/t-angel/


India, HyderabadAgri-Tech Innovation Hub (aTiH)Agri-HackathonAgriculturePrizeUp to INR 500,000StartupsMarch 31, 2023Link


India, HyderabadInternational Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid TropicsAgri-Business Incubator (ABI)Sustainable agricultureSeedNot disclosedStartupsOpenLink


India, MumbaiAnkur CapitalAnkur Capital FundSocial innovationVenture capitalINR 400 million-Rolling basisLink


India, MumbaiInfuse VenturesInfuse VenturesClean energyVenture capitalINR 750 million-Rolling basisLink


India, MumbaiAnkur CapitalAnkur CapitalAgriculture, healthcare, and sustainable livelihoodsVenture capital$33 million-Rolling basisLink


India, MumbaiAvishkaar GroupAvishkaar GroupEducation and sustainabilityVenture capital$50 million-Rolling basisLink


India, MumbaiShell FoundationE4C AcceleratorEnergy accessAcceleratorUp to $20,000Early-stage startupsRollingLink


India, MumbaiAnkur CapitalAnkur Seed ProgramAgriculture, clean energy, sustainable livingSeed fundingUp to $500,000Early-stage startupsRollingLink


India, MumbaiShell FoundationE4C IndiaEnergy accessAcceleratorUp to $50,000Early-stage startupsRolling basisLink


Indonesia, JakartaAlpha JWC VenturesAlpha JWC VenturesTech innovationVenture capital$123 million-Rolling basisLink


Indonesia, JakartaPlug and Play IndonesiaStartup Acceleration ProgramSustainability, agriculture, energy, waterAccelerator-Seed-stage startupsRolling BasisLink

Established companies

Indonesia, JakartaIndonesia Climate Change Trust Fund (ICCTF)Climate Technology Fund (CTF)Climate Change, Technology, Sustainable DevelopmentGrantUp to US$ 10 millionEstablished companiesOngoingLink


Ireland, CorkMaREI Centre, University College CorkSEAI RD&D ProgrammeSustainable energyGrantUp to €650,000Industry, academiaOpenLink


Ireland, DublinSustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI)Better Energy Communities SchemeEnergy efficiency, renewable energyGrantUp to €28 millionPublic Sector, SMEs, Community and Voluntary OrganisationsOpenLink


Ireland, DublinEnterprise IrelandGreenStartEnvironmental sustainability, low carbon techGrantUp to €500,000Startups, SMEsOpenLink


Ireland, DublinEIT Climate-KICClimate LaunchpadClimate change, sustainabilityCompetitionUp to €10,000StartupsJune 2022Link


Ireland, DublinDepartment of Agriculture, Food and the Marine (DAFM)Research Funding: Climate Action PrioritiesClimate change, agriculture and foodGrantUp to €500,000Industry, academiaOpenLink

Established companies

Ireland, DublinSEAIEXEED Grant SchemeEnergy efficiency, renewable energyGrantUp to €500,000Large energy users, including commercial, industrial and public sector organisationsOpenLink


Ireland, DublinScience Foundation IrelandSustainable Energy and Fuel EfficiencyEnergy efficiency, renewable energyGrantUp to €1.5 millionIndustry, academiaMarch 2022Link


Ireland, GalwayWestBICEuropean Social Innovation CompetitionSocial innovation, sustainabilityCompetitionUp to €50,000Startups, SMEsOctober 2022Link


Israel, Herzliya PituachTerra Venture PartnersTerra Food Agtech FundSustainable agriculture and food techVenture$80 millionMultiple recipientsOpenLink


Israel, Tel AvivTerra Venture PartnersTerra Venture PartnersAgtech and foodtechVenture capital$200 million-Rolling basisLink


Israel, Tel AvivThe Trendlines GroupThe Trendlines GroupMedical and agritech innovationVenture capital$160 million-Rolling basisLink


Israel, Tel AvivImpact First InvestmentsImpact First InvestmentsSocial impact businessesEquity and debtNot specified-Rolling basisLink


Israel, Tel AvivTrendlinesTrendlines Agrifood FundSustainable agriculture and food techVenture$22 millionMultiple recipientsOpenLink

Established companies

Israel, Tel AvivOurCrowdImpact Investing FundImpact-driven startupsInvestment-Early- and growth-stage startupsOngoingLink


Israel, Tel AvivTerraTerraAgtech, water, and energyPre-seed and seed fundingUp to $1,000,000Early-stage startupsRollingLink


Israel, Tel AvivTheHive by GvahimTheHive by Gvahim AcceleratorSmart cities, water and energy, waste managementAccelerator$100K-$500KEarly-stage startupsRolling BasisLink


Israel, Tel AvivGreenSoil InvestmentsGreenSoil Secondaries FundSustainability, agriculture, food techPrivate Equity/Secondary Fund$75 millionEarly-stage startupsJanuary 2025Link

Established companies

Italy, MilanCariplo FactoryProgramma 9Environment, sustainability, social innovation, cultureGrantUp to € 100,000Innovative projectsMarch 31, 2023Link


Italy, MilanCariplo FactoryFunderaEnergy, Environment, Agriculture, Circular EconomyAccelerator-Sustainable StartupsNov-23Link

Established companies

Italy, MilanInvitaliaSmart and Sustainable Industry CallDigitalisation and sustainabilityGrantUp to €15 millionSMEs and large companiesOctober 12, 2023Link


Italy, MilanFRI-UPFRI-UP call for sustainable innovationSustainable innovationGrantUp to €1 millionStartups and established companiesJuly 14, 2024Link


Italy, MilanFondazione CariploCall for Circular EconomyCircular economyGrantUp to €300,000Startups and established companiesJanuary 31, 2025Link


Italy, RomeLazio Innova S.p.A.Calls for Innovation 2023Sustainable and Smart ManufacturingGrantUp to €150,000Startups, SMEs6/15/2023Link


Italy, RomeImpact Hub RomeAccelerathon 2023Social and environmental impactGrantUp to €25,000Early-stage startupsJune 30, 2023Link


Italy, RomeLazio InnovaCall for Green Public ProcurementGreen public procurementGrantUp to €150,000Startups and established companiesSeptember 30, 2024Link


Italy, TurinInnovhub SSICall for Sustainable Mobility SolutionsSustainable mobilityGrantUp to €100,000Startups and established companiesApril 30, 2024Link


Japan, TokyoEnergy & Environment InvestmentEnergy & Environment InvestmentEnergy and environmentVenture capitalJPY 30 billion-Rolling basisLink


Japan, TokyoITOCHU CorporationITOCHU CorporationSocial and environmental impact businessesVenture capital$250 million-Rolling basisLink

Established companies

Japan, TokyoNew Energy and Industrial Technology Development OrganizationNEDO ProjectsEnergy, environment, and industrial technologyGrant programVaries-Rolling intakeLink

Established companies

Japan, TokyoGreen FundGFF Impact Fund IVClimate actionInvestment$500 millionClean energy projects in AsiaOngoingLink


Japan, TokyoPlug and Play JapanJapan Innovation ProgramVarious sustainability areasAccelerator-Early-stage startupsRollingLink


Japan, TokyoKDDI Open Innovation FundKDDI Open Innovation FundEnvironment, health, mobility, livingInvestmentUp to $5MSeed- to later-stage startupsRolling BasisLink


Japan, TokyoThe Japan Fund for the Global...The Japan Fund for the Global Environment (JFGE) GrantsBiodiversity conservation, climate change mitigation, etc.GrantUp to ¥3,000,000Non-profit organizations, research institutions, and individualsAnnually in AprilLink


Japan, TokyoGreen Future LabGreen Future Lab Incubation ProgramGreen techIncubatorUp to JPY 3 millionStartupsRolling basisLink


Jordan, AmmanCatalyst MENACatalyst MENA Clean Energy FundRenewable energy, energy efficiencyPrivate Equity$50 millionEarly-stage startupsDecember 2023Link


Jordan, AmmanInnovative Startups FactorySustainable Development Goals (SDG) Innovation FundSustainability, social impactSeed Fund$5 millionEarly-stage startupsMarch 2023Link


Kazakhstan, Nur-SultanInternational Finance Corporation (IFC)Greenhouse Gas Reduction ProgramClean Energy and Resource EfficiencyLoan, Equity and AdvisoryNot specifiedPrivate Sector Companies12/31/2024Link


KenyaEnergy Access VenturesEnergy Access VenturesOff-grid energy accessEquity financing$10-75 millionEarly-stage entrepreneursRolling basisLink


Kenya, NairobiEnergy Access VenturesEnergy Access VenturesEnergy accessVenture capital$75 million-Rolling basisLink


Kenya, NairobiNovastar VenturesNovastar VenturesSocial impact businessesVenture capital$200 million-Rolling basisLink


Kenya, NairobiAcumenAcumenSocial impact businessesEquity and debtaround $100 million-Rolling basisLink


Kenya, NairobiSavannah FundSavannah FundTech innovationVenture capital$25 million-Rolling basisLink


Kenya, NairobiKenya Climate Innovation Center (KCIC)Climate Innovation (CI) ProgrammeClimate Change, Agriculture, Water Management, Renewable EnergyGrantUp to KES 20MStartupsOngoingLink


Kenya, NairobiEnergy Access VenturesEnergy Access VenturesRenewable energyVenture Capital$3 million--Link


Kigali, RwandaGIZ (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit)ECO POPUP LABSClimate-smart entrepreneurship, renewable energyCompetition€ 15.00Early-stage entrepreneursMarch 7, 2023Link


Latvia, RigaInvestment and Development AgencyTechnology Transfer VoucherEnergy, environment, and climateGrantUp to €10,000Startups and SMEsRollingLink


Lebanon, BeirutBerytechCleanergy Accelerator ProgramClean energy, circular economyAccelerator ProgramN/AEarly-stage startupsJune 2024Link


Lithuania, VilniusLithuanian Business Support AgencyGreen Industry InnovationSustainable IndustryGrantUp to €4.9MStartups and SMEs11/30/2023Link


Malaysia, Kuala LumpurCradle FundCradle FundTech innovationGrant and equityUp to RM500,000-Rolling basisLink

Established companies

Malaysia, Kuala LumpurMalaysian Technology Development CorporationCommercialisation of R&D FundEnvironmental technology, green energy, waste managementGrant$44,444-$444,444Local SMEs and mid-tier companiesRolling BasisLink


Malaysia, Kuala LumpurWatchTower and FriendsWatchTower and FriendsVarious sustainability areasSeed fundingUp to $20,000Early-stage startupsRollingLink


Malaysia, Kuala LumpurMalaysian Global Innovation & Creativity Centre (MaGIC)Global Accelerator ProgrammeSustainable techAcceleratorUp to MYR 300,000StartupsRolling basisLink

Established companies

Malaysia, Kuala LumpurMalaysian Technology Development Corporation (MTDC)Green Technology Financing Scheme (GTFS)Green Technology, FinancingLoanUp to RM 50 millionEstablished companiesOngoingLink


Mexico, Mexico CityGreenMomentumGreenMomentum's Seed Capital FundRenewable energy, energy efficiency, and sustainabilityEquity Investment + AcceleratorMXN $25MSustainable StartupsRollingLink


Mexico, Mexico CityIgnia PartnersIGNIA Fund IIEnergy, transportation, and healthVenture CapitalUSD $90MHigh-impact startupsRollingLink


Mexico, Mexico CityNew VenturesNew Ventures MexicoSustainable innovationVenture capital$50 million-Rolling basisLink


Mexico, Mexico CityFondo de Fondos (FOF)Fondo Capital SostenibleSustainability, green growthEquity investment$5M-$30MSMEs, StartupsRollingLink


Mongolia, UlaanbaatarMongolian University of Science and TechnologyGreen Technology IncubatorGreen TechnologyIncubation and TrainingN/AStartupsRollingLink


Montenegro, PodgoricaMinistry of EconomyGreen Technology Entrepreneurship for Sustainable DevelopmentEnergy efficiency, renewable energy, and waste managementGrants€ 100.00Startups and small enterprisesOpen callLink


Morocco, CasablancaThe Moroccan Fund for Tourism DevelopmentThe Moroccan Fund for Tourism DevelopmentSustainable tourismGrant and equity$90 million-Rolling basisLink


Morocco, CasablancaHSEVENHSEVENTech innovationAccelerator programNot specified-Rolling basisLink

Established companies

Nairobi, KenyaEnabelGreen Business Development Services in KenyaResource efficiency, renewable energy, waste management, circular economyTechnical assistance and financing-SMEsOngoingLink


Netherlands, AmsterdamSocial Impact VenturesSocial Impact VenturesSocial impact businessesVenture capital€40 million-Rolling basisLink

Established companies

Netherlands, AmsterdamFMO InvestmentClimate Investor OneRenewable energyInvestment$40-80 millionEmerging MarketsOpenLink


Netherlands, AmsterdamClimate-KICClimate Innovation AcceleratorClimate change solutionsEquity-free€10k-95kEarly-stage StartupsOpenLink


Netherlands, RotterdamBlue Tulip AwardsBlue Tulip AwardsSustainable innovationPrize money€ 100.00-March 31, 2023Link


Netherlands, The HagueFMO InvestmentEntrepreneurial Development BankClimate change, social inequality and waterInvestment€50-75 millionEmerging MarketsOpenLink


Netherlands, UtrechtClimate-KICAccelerator ProgramClimate Change Mitigation and Adaptation, SustainabilityAccelerator-Early-stage StartupsOctober 2023Link

Established companies

New Zealand, AucklandEnergy Efficiency andTechnology Demonstration Fund (TDF)Energy efficiencyGrantUp to NZD 200K-Open (continuous)Link


New Zealand, WellingtonCallaghan InnovationProject grantsEnvironmental innovation, sustainable solutions, R&DGrantUp to NZD 1MBusinessesRollingLink


New Zealand, WellingtonMinistry for the Environment (MfE)Waste minimisation fundWaste minimisation, circular economy, low carbon economyGrantUp to NZD 5MBusinesses2025Link


New Zealand, WellingtonEECALow Emission VehiclesLow emission transport, low carbon economyGrantUp to NZD 7.5KBusinessesRollingLink

Established companies

New Zealand, WellingtonNew Zealand Green InvestmentThe Clean Green Energy FundClean energyGrantUp to NZD 20M-31 December 2023Link


New Zealand, WellingtonMinistry for Primary IndustriesSustainable Food and Fibre Futures FundSustainable agriculture and forestryGrantUp to NZD 40M-28-Apr-23Link


New Zealand, WellingtonMinistry for the EnvironmentWaste Minimisation FundWaste minimisation and resource recoveryGrantVaries-Various (see website)Link


Nigeria, LagosVentures PlatformVentures PlatformTech innovationVenture capitalNot specified-Rolling basisLink


Nigeria, LagosVentures PlatformVentures Platform AcceleratorRenewable energy, wasteAccelerator Program---Link


Nigeria, LagosGreenHouse CapitalGreenHouse CapitalGreen tech, waste managementVenture Capital---Link


North Macedonia, SkopjeStartup MacedoniaMVP AcademySustainable cities, Energy, Food and Agriculture, Health and Well-beingStartup acceleratorUp to € 25,000Early stage startupsOpen callLink


North Macedonia, SkopjeFoundation Open Society MacedoniaGreen Ideas IncubatorEnvironmental issuesIncubator program€ 3.00Startups31 October 2023Link


North Macedonia, SkopjeSwiss Agency for Development and CooperationGreen Innovation and Investment FundRenewable energy and energy efficiencyGrants and loans€6 millionPrivate sectorOpen callLink


Norway, OsloKatapultKatapultSocial impact businessesVenture capital$150 million-Rolling basisLink


Norway, OsloNordic Innovation FundGreen growth programGreen growthGrantNot specifiedCompaniesRolling basisLink


Norway, OsloNorwegian Environment AgencyEnvironmental technologySustainable technology, circular economy, waste reductionGrantNOK 2,000,000Startups, established companiesSeptember 1, 2023Link


Norway, OsloInnovation NorwayGreen Energy and Technology CallClean energy, green technology, sustainabilityGrantUp to NOK 10MCompanies in Norway31-Aug-23Link


Norway, OsloEnova SFEnova startupRenewable energy, Energy efficiencyGrantUp to 1M NOKStartupsRollingLink

Established companies

Norway, TrondheimInnovation NorwayMiljøteknologiordningenEnvironment, Clean technologyGrant and loanVariesSMEs, large companiesRollingLink


Pakistan, KarachiInvest2InnovateInvest2InnovateSocial impact businessesEquity and debtNot specified-Rolling basisLink


Panama, Panama CityFundación Ciudad del SaberThe LeapSustainable development, innovationNon-repayable$30KStartupsRollingLink

Established companies

Papua New Guinea, Port MoresbyPapua New Guinea Climate Change and Development Authority (CCDA)Climate Change Development Program (CCDP)Climate Change, Renewable Energy, Sustainable DevelopmentGrantNot specifiedEstablished companiesOngoingLink


Paraguay, AsunciónParaguayan Ministry of Environment and Sustainable DevelopmentGreen FundGreen projectsGrantUp to PYG 500MCompaniesRollingLink


Paraguay, AsunciónMinistry of Industry and CommerceStartUp Paraguay GreenSustainable technologiesGrant/CompetitionUp to $50,000Startups31-Jul-23Link


Peru, LimaPerú 2021Premio Desafío AmbientalEnvironmental protection, innovationNon-repayable$25KStartupsApr-23Link


Peru, LimaInnóvate PerúInnóvate Perú StartupRenewable Energy, Waste Management, Water, BiodiversityGrant, EquityUp to PEN 1.6MPeruvian StartupsRollingLink


Philippines, ManilaKickstart VenturesKickstart VenturesTech innovationVenture capital$50 million-Rolling basisLink


Philippines, ManilaImpact Hub ManilaPlastic Solutions AcceleratorSustainable materials, waste management, circular economy, etc.Accelerator-Startups, social enterprisesAnnually in AugustLink


Philippines, ManilaQBO Innovation HubGreenpreneurs ProgramSustainable technology, green businessAccelerator$5,000Early-stage startupsRolling basisLink


Philippines, ManilaDepartment of Trade and Industry PhilippinesStartup Grant FundVariousGrantUp to PHP 500,000StartupsRolling basisLink


Poland, WarsawExperior Venture FundExperior Venture FundTech innovationVenture capital€25 million-Rolling basisLink


Poland, WarsawEIT Climate-KICAcceleratorClimate, Energy, Circular Economy, Sustainable Land Use, Urban TransitionsBusiness AcceleratorUp to € 95,000Early stage startupsOpen callLink


Poland, WarsawPFR VenturesGreen Innowacje - Acceleration ProgramSustainable technologiesInvestment/AcceleratorUp to $1,000,000Startups and SMEs31-Dec-2022Link


Poland, WarsawNational Centre for Research and DevelopmentFast Track for Innovation - SustainabilitySustainable technologiesGrant/Innovation SupportUp to $3,300,000Startups, SMEs, Large companiesRolling BasisLink


Portugal, CoimbraInovCENSustainability Investments FundRenewable energy, sustainable buildingsGrant€5,000 - €100,000SMEs and startupsRolling applicationsLink


Portugal, LisbonEDP Starter Acceleration ProgramEDP Starter Acceleration ProgramClean energy, smart grids, energy efficiency, electric mobilityEquity investment--Rolling basisLink

Established companies

Portugal, LisbonPortugal VenturesSocial Innovation FundClimate change, sustainabilityVenture capital€100,000 - €500,000Social entrepreneurs, startupsOpen callLink


Portugal, LisbonPortugal VenturesSustainable Blue Economy SeedMarine and coastal ecosystemsEquity fundingNot disclosedStartupsOngoingLink


Portugal, PortoPortugal VenturesCleantech Seed FundClean energy and transportationEquity fundingNot disclosedStartupsOngoingLink


Rio de Janeiro, BrazilBNDESClimate FundClimate adaptation, mitigation, and risk managementGrantNot specifiedPrivate companiesDecember 31, 2027Link>


Romania, BucharestGapMinderGapMinderTech innovationVenture capital€26 million-Rolling basisLink


Romania, BucharestCleantech CampCleantech Camp RomaniaSustainable energy, resource efficiency, mobility, circular economy, agriculture, sustainable tourismEquity investment--31-Mar-22Link


Romania, BucharestCleantech RomaniaGreenFestSustainable Energy, Transport, Resource Efficiency, AgricultureStartup acceleratorUp to € 50,000Early stage startupsOpen callLink


Romania, BucharestImpact Hub BucharestGreen Impact Acceleration ProgrammeSustainable technologiesAcceleration program€ 10.00Startups31 May 2023Link


Salvador, BrazilDesenbahiaLow Carbon Economy Support Program (PROESCOLO)Low carbon economy and climate change mitigationLoanUp to BRL 10MMCompaniesDecember 31, 2023Link


Saudi Arabia, RiyadhWa’ed VenturesWa'ed Ventures Fund IISustainability, renewable energy, agtech, edtechVenture Capital$100 millionEarly-stage startupsRolling DeadlineLink


Serbia, BelgradeImpact Hub BelgradeGreen Impact AcceleratorSustainable tourism, Food and agriculture, Circular economy, Clean energy, Sustainable mobilityStartup acceleratorUp to € 25,000Early stage startupsOpen callLink


Serbia, BelgradeEuropean Bank for Reconstruction and DevelopmentWestern Balkans Green Economy Financing FacilityRenewable energy, energy efficiency, and waste managementLoans and grants€85 millionPublic and private sectorOpen callLink


Serbia, BelgradeInnovation Fund SerbiaGreen Technology Accelerator ProgrammeRenewable energy, energy efficiency, and waste managementGrants and loans€10 millionStartups and small enterprisesOpen callLink


SingaporeTemasek HoldingsTemasek Green and Sustainable Finance ProgrammeGreen financeGrants and researchSGD 10 million-Rolling basisLink


SingaporeTemasek HoldingsTemasek HoldingsSustainability and impactVenture capitalNot specified-Rolling basisLink


SingaporeWavemaker PartnersWavemaker PartnersTech innovationVenture capital$110 million-Rolling basisLink


SingaporeCleantech HubIMPACT! SustainabilityCleantechAccelerator-Early-stage startupsRollingLink


SingaporeAntlerAntler ProgramVarious sustainability areasAccelerator-Early-stage startupsRollingLink


SingaporeGolden Gate VenturesGolden Gate VenturesVarious sustainability areasSeed fundingUp to $100,000Early-stage startupsRollingLink


SingaporeThe HiveThe Hive Accelerator ProgramGreen tech, smart cities, circular economy, climate techAccelerator-Founders and startupsRolling BasisLink


SingaporeThe Liveability ChallengeThe Liveability ChallengeCircular economy, sustainable production and consumption, etc.PrizeUp to $1,000,000Startups, small and medium-sized enterprises, non-profits, research institutes and government agenciesAnnually in NovemberLink


SingaporeCircularity CapitalThe Circularity ChallengeCircular economyChallenge$125,000Early-stage startupsApril 15, 2023Link


SingaporeOcean Protocol FoundationOcean Shipyard AcceleratorOcean sustainabilityAccelerator$50,000Early-stage startupsMarch 31, 2023Link


SingaporeSustainable Energy Association of Singapore (SEAS)SEAS Energy Innovation ChallengeClean energyGrantUp to S$20,000StartupsFebruary 28, 2023Link


Singapore, SingaporeGolden Equator CapitalGolden Equator CapitalImpact investingVenture capital$200 million-Rolling basisLink


Singapore, SingaporeSingapore Green PlanSustainability Open Innovation ChallengeClimate action, resource efficiency, and sustainable livingGrantUp to $50,000Startups and SMEs in SingaporeMarch 18, 2022Link


Singapore, SingaporeEDB New VenturesEDB New VenturesSustainable industries in SingaporeInvestmentUp to $50MSingapore-based startupsOngoingLink


Slovakia, BratislavaCleantech Startups SlovakiaGreenway AcceleratorSmart cities, sustainable mobility, energy efficiency, cleantech, circular economyAccelerator programUp to €120,000StartupsSep-23Link


Slovakia, BratislavaEuropean Investment BankJust Transition FundClean energy, sustainable transport, energy efficiency, job creationGrant programUp to €8,000,000CompaniesRolling deadline until 2025Link


Slovakia, KosiceComenius UniversityResearch and innovation activities in the field of CSRCorporate social responsibility, environmental protection, energy efficiency, innovationGrant programUp to €30,000CompaniesJanuary 2024Link


Slovakia, KosiceClimate KIC SlovakiaPioneers into PracticeClimate change, sustainability, environmental protection, circular economyProfessional programUp to €10,000StartupsOctober 2023Link


Slovenia, LjubljanaABC AcceleratorABC AcceleratorEnergy, food, mobility, resource efficiency, smart cities, water managementEquity investment--Rolling basisLink

Established companies

Slovenia, LjubljanaEko skladFund for sustainable growthSustainable developmentLoan€ 500.00Established companiesOpenLink


Slovenia, LjubljanaSlovene Enterprise FundP1 Sustainable Impact FundEnvironmentally sustainable projects and solutionsEquity financing€5 millionStartups and small enterprisesOpen callLink


South AfricaIndustrial Development Corporation (IDC)Green Energy Efficiency Fund (GEEF)Renewable energy, energy efficiencyConcessional financingR100,000 - R50 millionBusinesses, project developersRolling basisLink


South AfricaSmall Enterprise Finance Agency (SEFA)Women Empowerment FundRenewable energy, agro-processing, manufacturing, green economyLoanR50,000 - R5 millionWomen entrepreneursOngoingLink


South Africa, Cape TownUCT Graduate School of BusinessBertha Centre Impact Seed FundSocial impactVenture capitalZAR 12 million-Rolling basisLink


South Africa, Cape TownFuture FemalesFuture FemalesFemale entrepreneursAccelerator programNot specified-Rolling basisLink


South Africa, Cape TownGreenCapeGreenCapeGreen economyGrant programNot specified-Rolling basisLink


South Africa, Cape TownEdge GrowthEdge GrowthSMEs and social impact businessesVenture capitalNot specified-Rolling basisLink


South Africa, Cape TownSilicon CapeSilicon CapeTech innovationCommunity organizationNot specified-Rolling basisLink


South Africa, Cape TownClimate Innovation Center SAClimate Innovation Center South AfricaClean energy, green economyIncubator Program---Link


South Africa, JohannesburgThe Innovation HubThe Innovation HubAfrican innovationIncubator programNot specified-Rolling basisLink


South Africa, JohannesburgKalon Venture PartnersKalon Venture PartnersTech innovationVenture capitalNot specified-Rolling basisLink


South Africa, JohannesburgGrindstone AcceleratorGrindstone AcceleratorGreen techAccelerator Program---Link


South Africa, JohannesburgGreen Economy FundGreen Economy FundGreen economy, renewableGrantZAR 50,000--Link


South Africa, JohannesburgGreen Pioneer AcceleratorGreen Pioneer AcceleratorClean energy, water, waste, and sustainable agricultureAccelerator-Early-stage startups in South AfricaOngoingLink

Established companies

South Africa, PretoriaIndustrial Development Corporation (IDC)Green Energy Efficiency Fund (GEEF)Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency, Climate ChangeLoanZAR 1M - ZAR 30MEstablishedOngoingLink


South Africa, PretoriaTechnology Innovation Agency (TIA)Seed FundTechnology Innovation, Climate Change, Green EnergyGrantUp to ZAR 1MStartupsMarch 31st, 2023Link


South Africa, PretoriaDepartment of Science and InnovationTechnology and Innovation Fund (TIF)Green Energy, Sustainable Development, Climate ChangeGrant and LoanZAR 1M - ZAR 10MStartupsOngoingLink


South Africa, PretoriaNational Research Foundation (NRF)Technology and Human Resources for Industry Programme (THRIP)Climate Change, Environmental Protection, Green EnergyGrant and LoanVariesStartupsOngoingLink

Established companies

South Korea, IncheonGreen Climate FundPPF FundingSustainability, Climate solutionsFinancial Support and consultingup to 1.500.000 USDPossible at any timeLink


South Korea, SeoulSocial Venture Partners KoreaSocial Venture Partners Korea FundSocial innovationVenture capitalKRW 20 billion-Rolling basisLink


South Korea, SeoulFuturePlayFuturePlaySocial innovationVenture capitalKRW 160 billion-Rolling basisLink


South Korea, SeoulGlobal Green Growth InstituteSustainable Growth ChallengeSustainability, green growthChallenge$100,000Early-stage startupsFebruary 28, 2023Link


South Korea, SeoulK-Startup Grand ChallengeK-Startup Grand ChallengeVariousAcceleratorUp to KRW 120 millionStartupsJune 14, 2023Link


Spain, BarcelonaIberdrola VenturesPerseo ProgramSmart grids, renewable energy, and energy storageEquity investmentUp to €10 millionStartupsRolling basisLink


Spain, BarcelonaCaixaBankDayOne Innovation HubClimate change, smart mobility, and circular economyVenture capitalUp to €15 millionStartupsRolling basisLink


Spain, BarcelonaCaixaBankAgroTechAgriculture and food productionEquity fundingNot disclosedStartupsOngoingLink

Established companies

Spain, BarcelonaACCIÓ, Catalonia Trade & InvestmentCleantech Scale-Up CataloniaCleantech, Sustainable mobilityGrant and coachingUp to 1.5M EURSMEsRollingLink


Spain, MadridImpact Hub MadridImpact Hub Madrid GrantsSocial innovationGrant program€ 20.00-October 31, 2023Link


Spain, MadridEnisaEcological and Social Economy Innovation Program (PITEN)Sustainable innovation and the circular economyGrantUp to €1.5 millionStartupsOctober 31, 2023Link


Spain, MadridEnisaEnisa Jóvenes EmprendedoresSustainability, environment, energy efficiencyGrant€ 300.00SMEs and entrepreneursDecember 31, 2023Link


Spain, MadridRed.esInnovaClimaClimate change mitigation and adaptationGrant€60,000 to €200,000Companies and SMEsJune 30, 2023Link

Established companies

Spain, MadridCDTICDTI InnvierteEnvironment, Energy efficiencyLoan and grantVariesCompaniesRollingLink


Spain, MalagaEXTENDAInnoexpansionEnvironmental sustainabilityGrantUp to €90,000SMEs and startupsRolling applicationsLink


Spain, ValenciaIVACEIVACE Circular EconomyCircular economyGrantUp to €15,000SMEsJune 30, 2023Link


Spain, Various citiesClimate-KICAcceleratorClimate change mitigation and adaptationGrantUp to €80,000StartupsMarch 31, 2023Link


Sri Lanka, ColomboBlue Ocean VenturesBlue Ocean VenturesTech innovationVenture capital$15 million-Rolling basisLink


Sweden, GothenburgChalmers VenturesChalmers Ventures seed fundSustainable and energy-efficient startupsEquity-free investmentUp to 500K SEKStartupsRollingLink


Sweden, StockholmNorrsken FoundationNorrsken Impact AcceleratorSocial innovationAccelerator program€ 100.00-May 31, 2023Link


Sweden, StockholmNorrsken FoundationNorrsken FoundationSocial impact businessesGrant programNot specified-Rolling basisLink

Established companies

Sweden, StockholmTillväxtverket (Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth)Internationalisation and Innovation VoucherSustainable solutions for environment, climate, and energyVoucherUp to SEK 300,000Swedish SMEs20-Oct-23Link

Established companies

Sweden, StockholmTillväxtverketInnovative StartupsEnvironment, energy, climate change, circular economyGrantUp to SEK 500,000StartupsApril 28, 2023Link

Established companies

Sweden, StockholmVinnovaInnovationsprojekt i företagClean technology, Circular economyGrantUp to 3M SEKSMEs, large companiesRollingLink


Sweden, StockholmStingSting incubator and acceleratorEnvironment, Climate, Circular economyEquity-free investmentUp to 500K SEKStartupsRollingLink

Established companies

Switzerland, BernInnosuisseInnosuisse Start-up CoachingFunding and coaching for Swiss start-upsGrant and coachingUp to CHF 75,000Start-upsRolling basisLink


Switzerland, BernVenture KickVenture Kick Seed FundVariousGrantCHF 150,000StartupsRollingLink


Switzerland, GenevaSustainable Finance Geneva & FONGITSustainable Finance Geneva - Fintech for TomorrowSustainable finance, FintechAccelerator/GrantCHF 50,000StartupsRollingLink


Switzerland, ZurichBlue Horizon CorporationBlue Horizon CorporationSustainable food innovationVenture capital$200 million-Rolling basisLink

Established companies

Switzerland, ZurichKickstartKickstart AcceleratorAll industriesAcceleratorUp to CHF 25,000Early-stage startupsMay 12, 2023Link

Established companies

Switzerland, ZurichEngagement MigrosMigros Pioneer FundFunding for innovative Swiss start-upsInvestment and grantCHF 150,000Start-upsRolling basisLink

Established companies

Switzerland, ZurichGebert Rüf StiftungNachhaltige DigitalisierungDigital sustainabilityGrantUp to CHF 500,000-9/1/2023Link


Switzerland, ZurichImpact Hub ZurichCircular Innovation ChallengeCircular economy, Sustainable innovationGrantCHF 20,000Startups3/1/2023Link>


Switzerland, ZurichImpact Hub ZurichAccelerate 2030Sustainable and impact-driven startupsAccelerator-Early-stage startups from 20+ countries5/31/2023Link


Switzerland, ZurichSwiss Climate FoundationClimate ProtectionClimate protectionGrantup to CHF 500KCompanies and non-profit organizationsRolling callLink


Taiwan, TaipeiGreen Impact AcademyGreen Impact AcceleratorCircular economy, renewable energy, smart citiesAccelerator-Early-stage green startupsRolling BasisLink


Taiwan, TaipeiGreen Trade Project OfficeGTPO's Entrepreneurship & Innovation ProgramCircular economy, sustainability, green technology, etc.GrantUp to $130,000SMEs, green start-upsAnnually in JuneLink


Taiwan, TaipeiTaiwan Tech Arena (TTA)Taiwan Startup Stadium AcceleratorVariousAcceleratorUp to TWD 2.5 millionStartupsRolling basisLink


Thailand, BangkokBeacon Venture CapitalBeacon Venture CapitalTech innovationVenture capital$50 million-Rolling basisLink


Thailand, BangkokThe Thailand GreenhouseThe Thailand GreenhouseEnvironment, climate change, green economy, etc.Incubator and accelerator-StartupsRolling basisLink


Thailand, BangkokHATCHHATCH BlueOcean sustainabilityAcceleratorUndisclosedEarly-stage startupsRolling basisLink


Tunisia, TunisTunisian American Enterprise FundTunisian American Enterprise FundSMEs and social impact businessesEquity and debt$100 million-Rolling basisLink


Tunisia, TunisFlat6Labs TunisFlat6Labs TunisClean energy, waterAccelerator Program---Link


Turkey, Istanbul212 Istanbul212 IstanbulTech innovationAccelerator programNot specified-Rolling basisLink


Turkey, IstanbulTurkish Ministry of Environment and UrbanizationEntrepreneurship and Innovation Fund for Environmental ProjectsEnvironmental protection and sustainable developmentGrantNot disclosedStartups and SMEsDecember 31Link


Turkey, IstanbulEuropean Bank for Reconstruction and DevelopmentTurkey Sustainable Energy Financing FacilityRenewable energy and sustainable energy efficiencyLoan€350 millionMultiple recipientsOpenLink


UAE, DubaiThe CatalystThe CatalystSustainable innovationVenture capitalNot specified-Rolling basisLink


United Arab Emirates, Abu DhabiAbu Dhabi Investment OfficeAbu Dhabi Investment OfficeSustainable innovationVenture capital$1 billion-Rolling basisLink


United Arab Emirates, Abu DhabiMasdarAbu Dhabi Sustainable Technology FundRenewable energy, clean tech, and sustainable techVenture$272 millionMultiple recipientsOpenLink


United Arab Emirates, Abu DhabiAbu Dhabi Investment OfficeVentures FundSustainable tech and clean energyVenture$250 millionMultiple recipientsOpen" target="_blank">Link


United Arab Emirates, Abu DhabiAbu Dhabi Global MarketRegulatory Laboratory (RegLab)Sustainable fintech and regtechSupportNot disclosedStartups and SMEsOpenLink

Established companies

United Arab Emirates, Abu DhabiAbu Dhabi Investment OfficeAbu Dhabi Catalyst PartnersSustainable tech and clean energyVenture$1.1 billionMultiple recipientsOpenLink


United Arab Emirates, DubaiDubai Future FoundationDubai Future AcceleratorsFuture technologiesAccelerator programNot specified-Rolling basisLink


United Arab Emirates, DubaiDubai Future AcceleratorsDubai Future Accelerators ProgramFuture-oriented startupsAccelerator-Startups from all over the worldOngoingLink


United Kingdom, LondonOctopus EnergyOctopus Energy VenturesClean energyVenture capital£200 million-Rolling basisLink


United Kingdom, LondonMustard SeedMustard SeedSustainable innovationVenture capital£100 million-Rolling basisLink


United Kingdom, LondonBalderton CapitalBalderton CapitalSustainable innovationVenture capital€3 billion-Rolling basisLink


United Kingdom, LondonSeedrsSeedrsSustainable innovationCrowdfundingVaries-Rolling basisLink


United Kingdom, LondonBig Society CapitalBig Society CapitalSocial impact businessesVenture capital£1.25 billion-Rolling basisLink


United Kingdom, LondonEntrepreneur FirstEntrepreneur FirstSustainable innovationVenture capital£100 million-Rolling basisLink

Established companies

United Kingdom, LondonInnovate UKSmart GrantsScience and technology innovations, research and developmentGrant programUp to £2,000,000-Multiple deadlinesLink

Established companies

United Kingdom, LondonDepartment for Business, Energy and Industrial StrategyIndustrial Energy Transformation FundEnergy efficiency and decarbonisation of industrial processesGrant and loan schemeVaries-Multiple deadlinesLink

Established companies

United Kingdom, LondonSustainable VenturesSustainable AcceleratorCleantech, Energy, Resource Efficiency, WaterAccelerator£50,000 - £1MSustainable StartupsRolling basisLink


United Kingdom, LondonCarbon Limiting TechnologiesEntrepreneurial SMEs ProgrammeLow carbon economyGrantUp to £100kSMEs30-Apr-23Link


United Kingdom, LondonInnovate UKOpen grant funding competitionsEnergy, circular economy and zero emissionsGrantVariesSMEsOpenLink


United Kingdom, LondonSustainable VenturesSustainable AcceleratorSustainability innovationsInvestment£100k-1.5mStartupsOpenLink

Established companies

United States, San FranciscoSalesforce VenturesSalesforce Impact FundSocial and environmental impact initiativesInvestmentUp to $50MCompanies with social missionOngoingLink

Established companies

Uruguay, MontevideoANIISectoral Fund for the Environment and EnergyEnvironment, Energy, Circular EconomyGrantUp to UYU 18MUruguayan companiesRollingLink

Established companies

USASmall Business Innovation ResearchSBIR/STTR ProgramVarious technology areasGrant programUp to $10,000,000Federal agenciesMultiple deadlinesLink

Established companies

USASmall Business Innovation Research (SBIR)Phase I and II fundingTechnology development and commercializationGrantUp to $2.2MSmall businessesMultipleLink

Established companies

USA, Ann ArborMichigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE)Energy Services Companies (ESCO) Grant ProgramEnergy efficiency, Renewable energyGrantUp to $100,000Not specified6/30/2023Link

Established companies

USA, AtlantaThe Community Foundation for Greater AtlantaResilience FundClimate resilience, Environmental justiceGrantUp to $50,000Not specified7/31/2023Link

Established companies

USA, AtlantaAtlanta Regional CommissionLivable Centers Initiative Study GrantsLivable communities and smart growthGrantUp to $100,000Local governments2/28/2024Link


USA, AustinSputnik ATXIncubator ProgramSustainable technology, Environmental impactEquity-based and accelerator$100,000Early-stage startups.2023Link

Established companies

USA, AustinAustin Energy Green BuildingCommercial New Construction ProgramGreen building, Energy efficiencyRebate programVariesCommercial customers in Austin Energy's service area.2023Link

Established companies

USA, AustinAustin EnergyPower Saver ProgramEnergy efficiency, Renewable energyRebateUp to $375,000Not specified12/31/2023Link

Established companies

USA, AustinTexas Environmental Research ConsortiumChallenge GrantsEnvironmental research and innovationGrantUp to $50,000Researchers9/15/2023Link


USA, AustinClean Energy TrustEquity & Debt Funding for Clean Energy StartupsClean EnergySeed, Equity, and DebtN/AN/AOngoingLink


USA, BerkeleyBerkeley SkyDeckSkyDeck FundCleantech, sustainabilitySeed fundUp to $100,000Early-stage startupsRolling basisLink


USA, BostonClean Energy Venture GroupClean Energy Venture GroupClean energyVenture capital$50 million-Rolling basisLink

Established companies

USA, BostonDSM VenturingDSM Venturing Sustainable Investment FundSustainability-focused startups and emerging technologiesVenture$100 million--Link>


USA, BostonGreentown LabsGreentown LaunchClimate tech innovationEquity investment and resourcesNot specifiedEarly-stage startupsRollingLink


USA, BostonGreentown LabsCircularity ChallengeCircularity and sustainabilityIncubator program$25,000Early-stage startupsSep-23Link


USA, BoulderBoulder Community FoundationEnvironment Small Grants ProgramEnvironmental conservation, Sustainable agricultureGrantUp to $3,000Nonprofit organizations based in Boulder County.2023Link


USA, BoulderCity of BoulderClimate InitiativesClimate action, Environmental justice, Sustainable transportationGrant and loanVariesLocal businesses, nonprofits, and residents.OngoingLink


USA, BoulderBoulder County Community FoundationEnvironmental programEnvironmental sustainabilityGrantVariesNon-profits, orgsRollingLink


USA, BoulderTechstarsTechstars Sustainability AcceleratorSustainability in industriesEquityN/AStartupsOngoingLink


USA, CaliforniaCalifornia Clean Energy FundCalifornia Clean Energy FundClean energyVenture capital$700 million-Rolling basisLink


USA, CaliforniaGreen Energy StorageGreen Energy StorageEnergy storageVenture capital$60 million-Rolling basisLink


USA, ChicagoEnergy FoundrySeed FundEnergy innovationEquity investmentUp to $250KSeed-stage companiesRollingLink


USA, ChicagoDelta InstituteDelta Emerging Leaders FundClimate change adaptation, Green infrastructure, Circular economyEquity-based$500,000Emerging and established leaders who are BIPOC or women.2023Link

Established companies

USA, ChicagoExelon CorporationExelon Foundation Green InitiativeClean energy, Energy efficiency, Environmental educationGrantUp to $200,000Nonprofit organizations working in underserved communities.2023Link


USA, ChicagoClean Energy TrustCleantech Innovation Bridge FundClean energy, Environmental sustainabilityEquity-basedUp to $1,000,000Early-stage startups in the Midwest.2024Link


USA, ChicagoDelta InstituteEnvironmental Impact BondsSustainable infrastructure financingBond financing$1 million or moreMunicipalities6/1/2023Link


USA, ChicagoImpact EngineImpact EngineSocial and Environmental EnterprisesEquity and Grant$10MBothOngoingLink


USA, DenverColorado Cleantech Industries Association (CCIA)Cleantech Scaleup ProgramCleantech innovationMentoring and resourcesNot specifiedStartupsRollingLink

Established companies

USA, DenverDenver Office of Climate Action, Sustainability, and ResiliencyGreen Infrastructure GrantsSustainable infrastructure, Green technologyGrantUp to $50,000Not specified8/31/2023Link

Established companies

USA, DenverColorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE)Sustainable Communities ProgramSustainable communities, Clean energyGrantUp to $500,000Not specified8/11/2023Link


USA, DenverColorado Department of Public Health & EnvironmentSustainable Communities ProgramSustainable land use and developmentGrantUp to $150,000Local governments7/15/2023Link


USA, DenverColorado Energy OfficeElectric Vehicle and Infrastructure ProgramElectric vehicles and infrastructureGrantUp to $1,500,000Governments, agenciesRollingLink

Established companies

USA, DenverColorado Impact FundColorado Impact FundSustainable IndustriesEquity$63MEstablished companiesOngoingLink

Established companies

USA, DetroitInvest MichiganInvest MichiganCleantech and Energy, Sustainable CompaniesDebt and Equity$300MEstablished companiesOngoingLink

Established companies

USA, DurhamNorth Carolina Biotechnology CenterAgricultural Biotechnology Industrial ResearchAgriculture and biotechnologyGrantUp to $60,000CompaniesRollingLink


USA, HonoluluHawaii Community FoundationEnvironmentEnvironmental sustainabilityGrantVariesNon-profits, orgsRollingLink

Established companies

USA, MiamiThe Miami FoundationMiami Forever Climate FundClimate resilience, SustainabilityGrantUp to $250,000Not specified4/1/2024Link


USA, MiamiRadical PartnersImpact Ventures AcceleratorSocial and environmental impact startupsAccelerator programUp to $100,000Early-stage startupsRollingLink


USA, New YorkRethink ImpactRethink ImpactFemale-led social impact businessesVenture capital$182 million-Rolling basisLink


USA, New YorkNew York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA)NYSERDAEnergy and environmentGrant programNot specified-Rolling basisLink


USA, New YorkClosed Loop PartnersClosed Loop PartnersCircular economyVenture capital$125 million-Rolling basisLink

Established companies

USA, New YorkNew York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA)Industrial and Process Efficiency ProgramEnergy efficiencyGrantUp to $1MManufacturersRollingLink


USA, New YorkNew York State Energy Research and Development AuthorityEnergy Storage Technology Advancement PartnershipEnergy storagePartnership and fundingUp to $15 millionEarly-stage startupsMarch 2023Link


USA, New York CityEcovative DesignSeed FundingSustainable materials and biomaterialsSeed$60 million--Link


USA, New York CityYerdle RecommerceSeed FundingSustainable and circular e-commerce solutionsSeed$20 million--Link


USA, New York CitySocial Impact CapitalSocial Impact Capital FundSocial impactVenture capital$75 million-Rolling basisLink


USA, New York CityAcre Venture PartnersAcre Venture PartnersSustainable food and agricultureVenture capital$125 million-Rolling basisLink


USA, OaklandKapor CapitalKapor CapitalSocial impact businessesVenture capital$350 million-Rolling basisLink


USA, OaklandGreenLight FundGreenLight OaklandEnvironment, health, education, employmentGrantUp to $1.5MNot specifiedRollingLink


USA, Palo AltoCyclotron RoadFellowshipAdvanced technologiesGrantUp to $500KFellowsRollingLink


USA, PhiladelphiaEnergy Coordinating AgencyBuilding Innovation GrantsEnergy efficiency, sustainabilityGrantUp to $25,000Non-profits and startups5/1/2023Link


USA, PhiladelphiaBen Franklin Technology PartnersSustainability Innovation FundSustainable TechnologiesEquity and Grant$3MBothOngoingLink

Established companies

USA, PortlandOregon BESTCommercialization ProgramClean technology innovationSupport for commercializationUp to $250,000Established companiesRolling basisLink


USA, PortlandMeyer Memorial TrustEnvironmental and social justice programEnvironmental and social justiceGrantVariesNon-profits, orgsRollingLink


USA, PortlandOregon Community FoundationEnvironmental programEnvironmental sustainabilityGrantVariesNon-profits, orgsRollingLink

Established companies

USA, PortlandBlack Founders MatterBlack Founders MatterClean Energy and Climate JusticeEquity and Mentorship$10MEstablished companiesOngoingLink


USA, RaleighPowerAmericaInnovation FundPower electronics innovationGrantUp to $250KSmall businesses and startupsRollingLink


USA, Salt Lake CityImpact Hub Salt LakeImpact AcceleratorSustainable energyAccelerator program$50,000Early-stage startupsApr-23Link


USA, San FranciscoTrue VenturesTrue VenturesSustainable innovationVenture capital$1.5 billion-Rolling basisLink


USA, San FranciscoObvious VenturesObvious VenturesSustainable innovationVenture capital$271 million-Rolling basisLink


USA, San FranciscoBetter VenturesBetter VenturesSocial impact businessesVenture capital$21 million-Rolling basisLink


USA, San FranciscoThe Roddenberry FoundationThe Roddenberry FoundationSocial impact businessesGrant programNot specified-Rolling basisLink


USA, San FranciscoSpero VenturesSpero VenturesSocial impact businessesVenture capital$250 million-Rolling basisLink

Established companies

USA, San FranciscoElemental ExceleratorEquity & Access TrackEnvironmental and social justiceEquity financing and supportUp to $1 millionEstablished companiesApr-23Link

Established companies

USA, San FranciscoDepartment of Energy (DOE)Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR)Energy-related research and developmentGrantUp to $1.5MSmall businessesMultipleLink

Established companies

USA, San FranciscoSchmidt FuturesAlliance for the American Dream Innovation CompetitionEconomic opportunity in the USGrant competition$1,000,000+--Link

Established companies

USA, San FranciscoAllbirdsSustainable Innovation FundSustainable innovationEquity$100 million--Link

Established companies

USA, San FranciscoNatura & CoNatura & Co Venture CapitalSustainable products and servicesVenture$20 millionEarly-stage companies-Link

Established companies

USA, San FranciscoSunPowerOneRoof Energy AcquisitionSolar energy solutionsAcquisition$10 millionOneRoof Energy-Link

Established companies

USA, San FranciscoElemental ExceleratorEnergy Innovation PartnershipEnergy, Transportation, Agriculture, Water, ResiliencePartnership-Corporations, Utilities, Governments, StartupsRolling basisLink


USA, San FranciscoElemental ExceleratorEnergy AcceleratorEnergy, water, mobility, agriculture, circular economyGrant and equity investmentUp to $1MNot specifiedRollingLink


USA, San FranciscoLanzaTechSeries FSustainable carbon capture and utilization solutionsSeries F$72 million--Link


USA, SeattleCity of SeattleGreen Business FundEnergy efficiency, Renewable energy, Waste reductionGrant and loanUp to $40,000Small businesses in Seattle.2023Link


USA, SeattleSurdna FoundationSustainable Environments ProgramEnvironmental and social justiceGrantUp to $300,000Non-profits, orgsRollingLink

Established companies

USA, Washington DCAmerican Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)Technology Impact Program (TIP)Energy, Environment, Climate ChangeGrantUp to $250,000Not specified3/31/2024Link


USA, Washington, DCWells Fargo FoundationInnovation IncubatorClean technology, green jobsIncubator programUp to $250,000Early-stage startupsMay 2023Link


Venezuela, CaracasEmprendeYaEmprendeYa GreenEnvironmental sustainabilityGrant/CompetitionUp to $30,000Startups31-May-2023Link


Vietnam, Ho Chi Minh CityESP CapitalESP CapitalTech innovationVenture capital$20 million-Rolling basisLink


Vietnam, Ho Chi Minh CitySaigon Innovation HubImpact Innovation ChallengeVariousChallengeUp to VND 200 millionStartupsMarch 15, 2023Link

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